There is one thing that humans all have in common, we seek out FOOD and enJOY eating, and eating together more so than eating alone. Coming together to ‘break bread’ is an intrinsic part of being a ‘happy human’.
The simple art of SHARING FOOD brings joy to all and also holds great power – to unite, to break down barriers, even to help lay past disputes to rest.
In the first of what will become an annual event in memory of Hay-On-Way’s eccentric and anarchic King, staged through the town in the form of a Jubilee style immersive Street Theatre of Food, the King’s Feast will commemorate the Life and Legacy of its much-loved King Richard Booth and his mission – Hay Home Rule.
The first Kings Feast is currently in planning, to be realised in 12th September 2025 on the anniversary of King Richard Booths birthday and will include the Coronation of his named his successor
If you like this project, please also see ‘The Divine Right Of Things’ an associated project currently in planning for 2024